This article was published on SPC's website.
Could you describe your academic background and how it led you to pursue your internship at the Pacific Community (SPC)?
I graduated from the University of the South Pacific (USP) with a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry, reflecting my strong academic background in the sciences. Throughout my studies, I developed a passion for scientific exploration, particularly in laboratory work, chemical analysis, biology, and microbiology. I am considering pursuing further studies.
My academic journey naturally led me to pursue an internship at SPC, which aligned with my field of studies and allowed me to apply my theoretical knowledge practically. The coconut genetic resources internship has been a valuable experience, enabling me to enhance my scientific skills and other crucial areas such as paperwork, research methodology, and other research-related skills. I am truly grateful for this opportunity, which has significantly contributed to my understanding of coconut resources and their vital role in the Pacific region.
Have you been involved in research work during your internship?
Since joining SPC in November, my internship has focussed on researching coconuts and other pests affecting them, mainly the coconut rhinoceros beetle (CRB) across member countries and territories. The primary focus has been understanding the impact of pests on the Pacific and the implications for food security and resilience among islands.
My investigation of the CRB showed that this beetle poses a significant threat to coconuts, a staple perennial crop in the Pacific. The extent of damage caused by CRB prompted an exploration of control techniques, research strategies, and potential measures to limit or reduce their population and minimise fertilisation.
I also delved into coconut pest management, focussing on the main pests with substantial literature available. This comprehensive study aimed to uncover research strategies and effective control methods for these pests. Through this research, I gained a profound appreciation for the critical need to safeguard our coconut resources due to the multifaceted threats posed by these pests.
Overall, my research work during the internship has deepened my understanding of the challenges coconut crops face and provided insights into innovative strategies for their protection and sustainable management.
What specific challenges or obstacles have you faced during your research, and how have you overcome them?
In my recent work on research collection on the CRB and other coconut pests, several challenges surfaced, requiring adaptive strategies for successful navigation. One notable challenge was the limitations of comprehensive data on the prevalence of CRB and other pests in certain Pacific regions. I collaborated with the USP library and other authorities to address this, fostering connections to share valuable insights and data.
Additionally, synthesising and interpreting the vast amount of literature on coconut pests posed its own set of challenges. I meticulously organised the literature into thematic categories, facilitating a more structured and comprehensive review process. This was also done through the help of attending data extraction training.
Managing my time effectively became crucial, especially during research article collection, where multiple tasks demanded attention simultaneously. With numerous responsibilities, I had to employ robust time management strategies. Establishing a well-defined schedule and prioritising tasks based on their urgency and significance allowed me to navigate the complexities of my workload efficiently.
How do you think your involvement at SPC will help prepare you for your career?
My research involvement at SPC has been instrumental in shaping my skills and knowledge, providing a robust foundation for my future career. The in-depth articles about the CRB and other coconut pests have honed my research abilities to conduct literature reviews, which I am currently working on.
Moreover, the internship has provided a unique opportunity to develop practical skills beyond the research domain. I have gained proficiency in minute taking, ensuring accurate documentation within the team promptly has become second nature, contributing to effective team communication and collaboration.
In addition, my involvement in tasks related to finance and logistics has expanded my understanding of project management. This practical experience with administrative and logistical responsibilities has complemented my scientific capabilities and equipped me with practical teamwork, communication, finance, and logistics skills. I am confident that this diverse experience will contribute significantly to my success in future career endeavours, especially with my plans to pursue further studies.
Are there any specific skills or knowledge areas that you have gained or improved upon?
During my internship, I developed diverse skills, including proficiency in notetaking, quick notations, logistics, and data extraction.
Notably, I had the privilege of participating in a comprehensive molecular diagnostics training where I gained hands-on experience with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and DNA extraction. This training has significantly enriched my understanding of molecular techniques, providing valuable insights into the practical aspects of genetic analysis. During the COVID-19 restrictions, movement was strictly limited, making it challenging for most of my undergrad units to engage in lab work. However, this training provided a valuable opportunity for hands-on experience, allowing me to gain a deeper understanding of DNA extraction and PCR.
Any advice you would give young aspiring interns who want to be regional researchers?
I’ve realised that adaptability is not just a skill; it’s a mindset that requires cultivation. The challenges I’ve encountered, whether managing time or navigating unforeseen obstacles, served as transformative lessons, shaping not only my professional growth but also my journey. Commitment to goals is most important; in moments of uncertainty, the power of mentorship becomes just as important.
To all aspiring young interns, I advise embracing educational opportunities, immersing yourselves in hands-on experiences, forging meaningful connections, facing challenges with resilience, communicating purposefully, staying true to your goals, and, above all, believing in yourself. Coming from a Christian background, I encourage you to keep the faith and remember that with God- nothing is impossible. Through this journey, I’ve found solace in my faith, believing that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and every success is a testament to the journey designed for us.
I want to acknowledge the significant role of institutions, notably the University of the South Pacific (USP), in supporting my academic and professional journey. During my studies at USP, I acquired valuable knowledge and skills that have been pivotal to my development. The exposure to laboratory and field work has equipped me to thrive in high-pressure environments, enabling the application of acquired skills and knowledge. Moreover, adhering to protocols and procedures related to laboratory techniques has been ingrained through my experiences at USP, contributing significantly to my journey.